
Thursday 28 October 2010

First few character designs

Here are a few of my characters that i have been sketching. My next step for them will be to draw them in PS and give them some colour =)

Captain Cyclone ...

Solar Flare ...

Venus Flytrap ...

Miss Mineral ...

I haven't started Hydro Girl yet. I guess i have done well since the idea has only been solid for a week and i have been ill for most of it. She will be designed tomorrow as long as i feel better =)


Just thought i would post up a few of my original sketches for my Superhero animation idea. These are sketches for 2 characters that have now changed but they carry over many of the same characteristics.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Coloury Scripty

After a bit of work i think i finally have my character colours laid down. I have quite a range but i don't know what they are going to be like on the characters themselves yet so there could be changes...

On here the colours for Captain Cyclone and Hydro Girl look pretty similar. I did try and keep CC's more light and airy while keeping HG's a deeper blue. Hopefully they will look better on the characters themselves. 

The Four Elements

After some thinking i decided to develop my Superhero animation into something bigger. The characters are all different and the story line is set out with a clear beginning, middle and end. I was wondering what people thought? All comments welcome as it will only help me. I will post pictures up at a later date!

The Four Elements
Super group The Four Elements used to be as close as family. Typical set up, two girls – Hydro girl and Miss Mineral, Two guys – Solar Flare and Captain Cyclone. Even families clash though and these guys went for it big style. The result lead to a boy-girl split in the group.

The animation begins with a newspaper headline - ELEMENTS SPLIT. The girls are upset over the split and how the guys think they don’t need them. Hydro Girl wonders if the boys are upset at all so uses her mind powers, with the help of a finger and a glass of water, to see what they are doing. The boys though love the bachelor lifestyle and are jumping on the beds at the thought of no more girls. The girls are furious and want to teach Captain Cyclone and Solar Flare a lesson. They come up with a plan to combine their powers and create a problem to show the guys they cant do it all on their own. Unfortunately for them though their plan doesn’t go quite go the way they want and they create a giant Venus Fly-trap that start tearing down the city. Captain Cyclone and Solar Flare eventually stop playing around to see that the city is under attack and they make their way to the scene.
Upon arrival they try to stop the Venus Fly-trap only to hit the girls by accident. This causes a fight between the Elements, the Venus Fly-trap looks on confused as their fights destroys parts of the city. The Venus Flytrap sees his opportunity and flicks the elements off into the sunset and the onlookers cheer the Venus Flytrap as the hero. The Elements wake up in hospital to new headlines of – OUR NEW HERO.           

The Characters
Captain Cyclone
C.C is the leader of the pack, or at least he likes to think so. He’s mild mannered and the more mature of the two guys in the group. He thinks with his heart and always thinks of the consequences of his actions. Although young, he is wise above his years & understands when his team needs a break.
His powers include the ability to fly, super strength, breath and vision.

Solar Flare
As his name may suggest his personality is fiery, but only at times. He loves a practical joke and to be the centre of attention in any situation. He loves competition and his efforts to better the other members often result in trouble, but as the youngest member … who can blame him, he has a lot to learn. His powers include super speed and the ability to create fire instantly. His latest ability sees him learning how to split in 2 and create a perfect duplicate of himself.

Hydro girl
Hydro girl is the most beautiful and clever of all the members but this is also teamed with arrogance. A far as she is concerned she calls the shots but deep down she knows C.C is better at it than her. She sees this as a weakness within herself that often leads to a loss in temper. Her abilities include telepathy with the help of water and can shape shift. She can control all weather but it comes with consequences.

Miss Mineral
Although Solar Flare is the youngest of the team; Miss Mineral is the member who discovered her abilities last. This means that she is still learning about herself and doesn’t know the true strength to her powers. Her shyness & naivety means she looks up to Hydro girl as a role model, following her everywhere. The powers she knows about include shield generation and the ability to create small-scale earthquakes. Her closeness to nature means she has almighty power over plant life. Her reinforced skeleton means she is literally hard as a rock and a tough cookie when she eventually gets into battle.

Friday 22 October 2010

The Second Post

I actually made it to the second post, quite an achievement for myself.

A quick update on where my major project is ...
I haven't really got as much done as i would have liked to, mainly due to other animation work, my dissertation and 2 websites that i am currently working on that need a complete re-design. I don't mind the hard graft really, it just seems like its all come at once.
Anyway back to the main project. I got some more character work done at the end of last week so i finally have my main character - Captain Sensation - designed and ready to test and create some concept art with him. I also have my female character - Little Miss Hornet. - She is in the final stages of design now, i just need to work a little more on her legs. I will post up some example drawings of the pair, along with my other bit part characters very soon.
Other than design i have started work on my script - yay.... I am not the best writer at the best of times so to try and create dialogue between fictional characters is quite difficult for myself. It is almost there though, only one scene left to draft out. Im then planning to sit down with an english student and see what they think of it all.
Whilst on the subject of scripts .... i now have some actors! I sent a message out to all drama students and i was flooded with emails (well about 7 but still ... it was more than i was expecting.) Thy all seem really enthusiastic so i am looking forward to sending them the script and some drawings and see what they think. They also seem more than happy to come over to the Wolverhampton University main campus to record which is great! I had planned on going and learning how to use the sound room today but fortunatly i had a lesson on how to use it instead. BONUS!

By next week i hope to have started the draft storyboard and have my characters finalised. I wouldnt mind having the script finished either and over with the actors so i can start planning when they are available to come in and do the work ...Watch this space :-)